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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  December 18, 2012 7:00pm-7:30pm PST

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what police are saying about the search for a possible gunman. supporters gather for a bay area family a mother and father half a world away from their daughter sxfrnlts preparing for one of the coldest nights of the season. how low temperatures may get in some neighborhoods . >> complete bay area news coverage starts right now. this is bay area news at 7:00. good evening. it's tuesday, december 18th. i'm gasia mikaelian, and this is bay area news at 7:00. we begin with break news in san jose. that where's the san jose city college campus was put on lockdown at about 4:30 this afternoon. at this point authoritys are focussing mainly on one building tshs tech building. that's where robert honda is live tonight with an update on a room to room search for a possible gunman. robert. >> gasia, we are outside the technology bilgd. at one time the search was going on building to building across much of the campus.
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now the focus has shifted to the technology building. it was mainly a precaution in terms of the rest of the campus because the original call that came in the initial text message basically said that they thought they saw a gunman in the area of the tech building. now, we've been watching as blis swarm this building going floor by floor and we've seen the light kind of giving us an indication of where the search has been going. now, if you can see, we just a few minutes ago the lights came on on the top floor and, again, the students and faculty that were inside during the lockdown were told to keep their lights off and the blinds closed so any kind of light like that probably indicates that the police are up there and conducting their search in that area. i will say that the police officers coming in and out of the building seem very calm. no one is rushing in and out so the light at the top of the floor could be a good indication that the search is, you know, well underway on what might be the final floor of this building. we've been talking to students
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as they come out of the campus area and, again, as we said before, it's more of a partial lockdown now. one of the students who was in the tech building before said there was probably maybe 100 the 200 students in the whole building at one time mainly because it's finals week and they thought there were mainly about 60 people on the floor that he was on so it wasn't as active a day as it could have been but they said the police came in and they first heard an announcement and then the police came in and explained that a gunman had been spotted or had been reported in the area and they were being asked to go into lockdown. san jose police, i just talk today them again, and they have confirm thad they still have not heard of any firsthand accounts of anybody seeing a gunman, any incidents involving a victim, anybody being shot or any shots being fired so right now police say they are taking this very seriously. they haven't ruled out that it could be a hoax because to have newtown incident this connecticut but right now they are taking it seriously and
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focussing mostly on the technology building going floor by floor and, again, just a short while ago we saw the lights coming on on the top floor so that could indicate maybe the search is coming to an end. weal give you more de tals as we receive them. reporting live. thank you, robert. let's go ahead and bring in on the telephone a chancellor at san jose city college. chancellor, are you with us? we're expecting to hear from --. >> you got it. do you have a life --. >> i apologize. that was robert. we're waiting to hear from chancellor rita. chancellor, are you with us. >> yes, i'm here. >> thank you for joining us again. i know you've been helping us on channel 2 with your coverage, as well. can you give us the latest? what's the situation there at your campus. i believe the report you've just stated is fairly accurate. police are still doing the floor-by-floor check. as you know, it's a collaboration by our san jose -- our own campus police, san jose
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community college district campus police and san jose police department. they are doing a floor-by-floor check. there has not been anyone identified or apprehended, and as indicated, we responded immediately to a message -- text message that there was a -- a gunman at the technology facility so we take all this extremely seriously and responded immediately. >> so, again, it was a text message saying that there was a report of a gunman at the tech facility. >> that's my understanding, yes. >> oevenlth as far as tracking down the origin of that text, that's still in the process. >> correct. we have capability to do that, but we obviously are not focussing on that right now. we're focussing on clearing the area. >> okay. from your estimation, have things gone as they were expected to? i mean, i have to say, i'm -- i'm pretty impressed with how calm all the student that is we've talked to by telephone on ktvu channel 2 news at a #50k and 6:00, they've all been so calm and de scribing it sort of as a very methodical thing happening there. >> well, sadly because of the
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increased violence on campus and the like, we have recently had active campus shooter from exercises for our campus police, and ironically announced they concluded very recently which involved obviously the students on each of our two campuses t. -- we have an emergency voiceover system that can immediately reach the classrooms and officers throughout the campus, and we also have access to text messaging, which is one of the fastest ways to communicate with students via their cell phones. e-mail messaging is a little slower, but we utilize that, as well. >> okay. chancellor, is there anything else you'd like to add about this developing situation while we have you with us. >> obviously we're all extremely saddened and still mourning from the tragedy in connecticut and violence on our campuses needs to be curtailed. we need to get behind from my perspective the president's call
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for looking at the situation and making sure that students our schools to advance their future are safe as well as our faculty and staff so it's very unfortunate that this has happened on our campus, but we want to add our voice to try to do everything we can to keep our campuses open and safe. >> all right. thank you so much, rita. san jose city college chancellor. thank you for your time. again, to summarize what we've just learned now about this developing situation, at this point, police have cleared a significant part of the san jose city college campus but the lockdown has not yet completely been lifted. i'd like to put a map here on your screen, and it shows where the tech building is. it's located in relation to the rest of the campus so you see here the technology center is essentially sort of on the top left-hand side of your screen right along south avenue kind of corners up with moore park and south bas come. as we have just learned from robert honda live there at the scene let's bring in another
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reporter. matt, you were able to talk to a lot of students affected by today's lockdown. >> yeah. we're near the library here at mooree park near the entrance to 280. i'm actually here with a student who was in the general education building when the call came town that there was going to be a lockdown on campus. his name is rez amali. rez, explain to us what happened. what was the initial -- what did they say to you immediately when this -- this lockdown came down? . >> the first impression i got from my teacher was not very impressive. i mean, he just turned off the lights, closed the door. he pushed the tables towards the door and closed the blinds, and he just told us that there's a lockdown on the campus, and he told us to, you know, remain calm and quiet and, you know, just sat down and just waited for further instructions. >> and how long did that take before you were finally alerted to evacuate that classroom. >> we were sitting class for
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probably about half an hour to 45 minutes and then we finally got out of the campus. >> what was the feeling of the students there that were locked in that classroom? was there fear? were you guys scared? were -- did you think this was silly? . >> i honestly think people were not really scared. i mean, i was kind of nervous. i mean, naturally, you know, something like that happens, especially with all that has been going on in newtown, but, you know, we're not sure what happened exactly people were calm. they were supportive. they got in touch with their familys and, you know, make sure everyone was okay. >> great. that's rez amali. he was in the general education building, again, when the lockdown order came down and currently he's still on campus because his car, it actually on the other side of campus where the tech building is and he has been unable to get to it to be able to leave the campus. his story is like many other
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stories that we've heard from a professor in the library and, again, they got locked down in the library with several students in a classroom and being told to keep quiet and calm and having a couple of toors between them and anybody who could possibly see them. so, again, as students start to leave we start to hear some of these stories what was happening inside the classrooms when the lockdown happened. gasia. >> matt keller is going to stay on the scene tonight. he's going to talk to more students. he and robert honda continue to work on this developing story. a lockdown has all but been lifted. it is still in effect for parts of san jose city college. our cruisers staying on the scene. we will have the very latest for you coming up on the 10:00 news on ktvu. today two more victims in the connecticut school shooting rampage were buried. as tori reports, new information surfaced about when surviving students from sandy hook elementary may be returning to class. >> more tears fall in new town,
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connecticut as funerals were held. meanwhile it was back to class for most with the recent tragedy on students' minds. >> the really big thing in the world right now and how can't you think about it, like, it's so close to you. >> the teachers union said educators will discuss friday's mass shooting in an age-appropriate manner. sandy hook elementary students had not yet returned to class. they'll be moved to another facility in a neighboring county. administrators say they won't return to classes until january. trucks carrying supplies have been leafing the school, which is still a crime scene. on tuesday the white house spoke about the possibility of president obama supporting new legislation on weapons. >> he supports and would support legislation that address it is problem of the so-called gun show loophole. >> a new grass roots group new town united sent a delegation to washington tuesday to meet with the brady campaign to prevent
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gun violence and families of the victims of the 1999 shooting. >> these people here before you because they refuse to be statistics. they've been through hell and back and don't want it to happen to the rest of you. >> more de tails emerge on the shootings. nancy lanza was shot in the head four times as she slept while adam lanza is believed to have shot himself in the head. law enforcement officials are saying at this point they haven't been able to gather any evidence from that computer that was found smashed at lanza's home. in newtown, connecticut, tori, ktvu channel 2 news. in the east bay city of albany, people gathered this evening at the ka bob restaurant to remember the victims of the shootings in newtown. the man whose brother was gunned down in richmond organized this candle light vigil. he said last week's shooting brought back painful memories for him. the nation's largest gun rise organization issued a statement today regarding the killings friday in newtown. the national rifle association
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says it is sadden and had heartbroken by the news of the senseless murder. the nra said it wanted to give the victims' families time to mourn t. nra plans a news conference friday. has more kovrng of the connecticut school shooting. we posted a special tab for you at the top of our home page including a link to more information about bay area vigils. grab your coat. tonight is expected to be one of the coldest nights of the year with a freeze warning in effect in some bay area neighborhoods. temperatures have already start today drop, right. >> gasia, that's right. it is really cold out here. we are at union square and you can see there's a lot of people out shopping. after all, it is only one week before christmas, and looks like most shoppers were prepared for the dip in temperature bundled up in heavy coats, hats and gloves. now, we also visited the city's largest emergency winter shelter for the homeless to see how it's faring. st. mary's cathedral is amongst four churches in san francisco
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working with the city to help house and feed homeless folks to get them inside from the cold. this shelter offers hot coffee, a meal, and a bed. >> the elements are cold outside and it's -- it's a lot better to have a warm bed and a meal than just being out in the cold and the rain and getting sick or sicker and -- and it just means a lot. i'm grateful for it. >> the episcopal community service is a faith-based group runs the winter emergency shelter program in partnership with the city. services will be available to the homeless through the end of february. reporting live in san francisco, amber lee, ktvu channel 2 news. it is going to be a cold one tonight. a freeze warning in effect for the north bay valley. it starts early tomorrow morning and lasts into the morning hours. take a look at the freeze warng, what it encompasses. it means we're all going to be cold but this area in the north bay temperatures will be below freezing or at freezing for a
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few hours between 3:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.. a freeze warning. now, for the rest of us a frost advisory goes into effect the same tierjs 3:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.. that frost advisory, everybody except san francisco, how do we know it's going to be cold tonight? well, current temperatures right now, it's 37 in fairfield. it's 40 in napa. probably the coldest night of the year coming up. i'm going to let you know in just a few minutes how cold it's going to get in your neighborhood . dozens of people gather outside the state building in san francisco to fight for immigrants' rights. why one girl might be separated from her parents. and we will update you on that partial lockdown in place at san jose city college after a report of a gunman on campus have a good night. here you go. you, too. i'm going to dream about that steak.
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i'm going to dream about that tiramisu. what a night, huh? but, um, can the test drive be over now? head back to the dealership? [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a passat. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today. i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah blah blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no. we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver only from at&t u-verse. get u-verse tv for $29 a month for six months. rethink possible.
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. we continue to follow breaking news happening in the south bay as students are in the process of being released during a campus lockdown at san jose city college. our news chopper 2 is high over the scene as it has been for us ever since we got awarded this lockdown just after 5:00. again you see here there are some classrooms with lights on inside but then looks like the top floor of the left-hand side of that building it is lights out. now, there was one text message that came into the school that had a threat, one text message. i would like to reiterate, no one has seen a gunman on campus. there are no report of anyone actually encountering someone with a weapon; however, san jose city college leaders took immediate action, they say, alerted stuntss and teachers and put campus in lockdown for everyone's safety. ktvu's robert honda was at the campus when essentially it was entirely on lockdown. robert, that is not the case right now. >> that's right, gasia.
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there's been kind of a transition as they clear up some of the other areas of the campus. officer start calling it a partial lockdown because most of the investigation search seems to be centered around this technology building where the original text message reporting a possible gunman, that was where the person was supposedly spots so that's why police started using their resources around this building. you mention it had lights going on. that's what's giving us the best indication what's going on here. we watched lights come up and then off on the first and most of the second floor. you can see on the top floor we saw lights thereon before. i heard an officer say to another one, another one down, meaning that they had the lights on in the room and then they turned them off. you can see the corner. if you go to the other side of the building now, you can see that they have just moved some spotlights to the top floor of that and shooting them through a blind through a window where the blinds have been opened by officers inside so obviously they're helping officers who were inside with their search of that side of the building now.
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so, again, as we watch this -- as we watch the lights go on and off floor by floor, we're getting an idea of how the search is going, and right now it seems to be that the search may be winding down as the third floor lights come on and then they go off. we'll give you more de tails as we get them. reporting live, robert honda, ktvu channel 2 news. new at 7:00, during this holiday season, some imgrabt families are facing the possibility of deportation. today dozens of people held a rally outside the state building of san francisco. ktvu janet is live now to explain the reaction they hope the state will take to keep those familys to geter. >> i counted about 50 here today. they want governor jerry brown to sign the trust act by assemblyman tom which would provide some protection to immigrants. >> in the cold today people
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rallied with song and signs. they're upset about the ice program called secure communities, which has led to the detainment and deportation of undocumented immigrants, many who have not committed serious crimes. a program which critics say is tearing families apart. >> you know, just like other families. we loef each other. we support each other. >> a college student allow today stay in the u.s. through deferred action but her parents have received a deportation order for december 30th. she and her parents came from indonesia on tourist visas when she was 11 years old and she has no one but her parents here. >> hopefully we can support each other here because it's only the three of us in the faement. >> today the group called on governor jerry brown to sign the trust act. the bill state that is law enforcement officers do not have to comply with federal ice request to detain undocumented immigrants who have not been convicted of a serious or violent felony.
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since 2009, an estimated 85,000 undocumented immigrants have been de ported from california and seven out of ten of those had no convictions or had been accused of only minor offenses such as traffic tickets. >> it's about a humane immigration policy that says we know that families are important, and it's part of the family is allowed to stay, the entire family should be allowed to stay. >> appealed the deportation order with us and they are waiting a reply. live in san francisco, janet, ktvu channel 2 news. back now to the south bay where we stay on top of breaking news there. a campus lockdown has affected essentially one building now at san jose city college focussing on the tech building. we were telling you what police officers are doing inside to make sure students there o are safe. also there's a freeze warning tonight in parts of the bay area. our chief meetologist bill martin which neighborhoods will feel the coldest tonight and how much colder it may be tomorrow
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oh, you have a keurig vue brewer? oh, it's great! now i can brew my coffee just the way i love it. how do you do that? well, inside the brewer, there's this train that's powerful enough to carry more coffee and fresh water to make coffee that's stronger and bigger... and even hotter! actually, i just press this button. brew the coffee you love -- stronger, bigger, or hotter -- with the keurig vue. . breaking news happening in san jose as we've been telling you since on the 5:00 news at kt have you. part of the campus here at san jose city college is under lockdown. specifically police are focussing on the tech building. this all started back around 4:30 when the school received a text about a gunman on campus.
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police have gone building by building, room by room essentially making sure that is not the case and as of right now we do not have any confirmed reports of anyone see ago gunman on campus. we're keeping our crews here and we'll have more information for you tonight on the 10:00 news but keep in mind it is a campus lockdown there at san jose city college. chief meteorologist bill martin here with us and yesterday at 7:00 you talked to us about dropping temperatures and boy are we feeling it. >> frost advisory for most of the rest f us except san francisco. we mentioned that. take a look at the forecast model because as this shower activity moves in, temperatures are going to warm up. showers aren't coming in for awhile. you wake up cold tomorrow. as i pointed out temperatures freezeing and below freezing. by tomorrow mid-morning it's still nice. tomorrow afternoon, still nice, and then as you get into your thursday morning you notice clouds start to increase and here comes the rain. so as these clouds push in, the temperatures begin to warm a little bit. they come up a little bit so
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very cold overnight lows up tonight and a very cool daytime highs of tomorrow are going to modify. they're going to come up. thursday night the rain starts and goes overnight thursday into friday morning. right now it appears your friday morning commute is going to be a little die see. going to be kind of wet out there. the forecast highs tomorrow then we're going to have trouble in some places like santa rosa and napa getting out of the 40s, 50 in napa, 51 in fairfield. forecast high in san jose, 54 or 52 in morgan hill. the five-day forecast, gasia, with your bay area weekend no view bring it is real rain in here. cold tonight of course but real rain thursday night into friday. >> okay. we'll see you at 10:00. thanks, bill. and thank you for trusting ktvu channel 2 news. we'll see you the next time news breaks. i'm gasia mikaelian and keep in mind that our coverage continues with the 10:00 news. that is where we'll have reaction for you coming from the campus of san jose city college which at this point is under lockdown specifically in the
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tech building, which is what we're showing you live right here. we will stay on top of this story. we also have updates for you online throughout the evening. to learn that just go to tmz is up next right here on tv 36
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